March 29, 2013
March 29, 2013

Proper Office Etiquette

A few people appear to be unaware of the proper office etiquette when calling a professional such as a lawyer, counselor, psychiatrist, psychologist, etc.

The reason for the call might be in my case: Are you a marriage and family counselor? Since the answer to that question is part of my descriptive name of my practice, my answer is yes.

If there is a question posed by the individual as to whether their situation is applicable, the person inquiring needs to listen to the response (not ask the question and then continue talking). Wait for the response before speaking again.

In my case, the response is: Go to the web site or do a search for Marriage and Family Counseling Patchogue and check out the entire background history, and articles which will illustrate the scope of family practice which I have handled in the past. Continuing to talk while the responder is talking does not allow the information to be understood or utilised.

The next thing the individual calling can do -if they have any doubts as to the efficacy of the professional- is to read all the information on the offered web site in order to make an informed decision.

The majority of callers do just that. This information is directed toward the few that lack proper office etiquette. Moreover, those who are the exceptions to this seem to believe that a business tone of voice insults them and therefore they give themselves permission to react with judging the responder negatively which creates a negative state. Therefore the secretary, receptionist or professional who takes the call has no recourse but to end the conversation abruptly. It is not warranted for the responder to be verbally attacked when giving information that will help the caller make an informed decision.

Also clients who are already being seen should not take advantage of the time of the professional by looking for extra phone time to settle their problems. Calls should be limited to making appointments, changing an appointment time and/or cancelling a pre-existing appointment. These calls should be done as quickly as possible so that the professional has time to deal with whatever research or session that s/he is currently involved with.

For the majority of clients who understand that the professional’s time is valuable -that the professional is working and for that s/he is paid- which supports that person and her/his family: THANK YOU.

For those of you who believe that professionals owe you their time please reread the proper etiquette when speaking with office personnel or anyone acting in that role on behalf of the practice (i.e. the professional him/herself).