Below are the e-mails from Jonathan Stein, antique dealer and collector who contacted me with images of Rev. Andrew Eliot, (author of the missives to his Boston, Mass. father of the same appellation) in my book's account MISSING LINKS TO THE CULPER SPY RING?
Dear Ms. Fawcett,
Attached are photos of my Liverpool jug, which was clearly custom made for Reverend Eliot by an unnamed friend. The image is very interesting and reasonably detailed, though it is known that although some Liverpool-made engravings were accurate likenesses, some were not, since there were limited means to convey the subject's image to the English artist who produced the transfer print. I believe this jug is unique, and its connection to American history, which you have researched, is fascinating.
Do you have any idea who the friend might be?
Jonathan Stein
A follow-up email from Mr. Stein:
These jugs were all completed in England. The images were engraved, then a print made which was transferred onto the wet clay before it was fired. Getting a unique image made was therefore expensive and unusual, and so Andrew's friend was probably wealthy.
I am an antiques dealer and collector with a special interest in Liverpool jugs. I am based in Wellesley, Mass.
Ring image enlarged in the above right-hand corner. Followed by the image of the memorial ring which was awarded to his father and in the possession of Kristy Fumante, a direct descendent of Rev. Andrew Eliot.

Kristy Fumante, direct descendent in the pink sweater in the forefront of photo-at the Oyster Bay Historical Society where Bernadine Fawcett gave her presentation of the historical book, MISSING LINKS TO THE CULPER SPY RING?